Please join us as Harriet Medlin, Jenna Harland, and Sarah Simonovich present Take Note! The Science of Note-Taking.
Note-taking is an essential skill, the importance of which may be underestimated by students with advanced abilities. As concepts and material become more complex and challenging, gifted students need to know not only that notes matter, but they also need a foundational understanding of when to take notes, how to take notes, and then what to do with the notes they have taken. This presentation will include what science and brain research has taught us about note-taking and why it works, in addition to best practices for note-taking both for in-person and online coursework. It will also touch on online note-taking methods for students who might have illegible handwriting or dysgraphia needs.
This year marks Harriet Medlin’s 54th year of teaching in Williamson County Schools. She taught English at Franklin High, Northside Junior High (now Brentwood Middle School), and Brentwood High before moving to the Gifted Educator position at Brentwood High. Harriet has been in her current role as a Gifted educator at BHS for 16 years. Jenna Harland is the Gifted Educator at Independence High and continues to provide Gifted services for WCS Online School high school students this year. She is also a former English teacher, and her career spans eleven years, seven of those spent working with Gifted learners. Jenna also worked for two years with the University of Texas online high school as a curriculum writer and teacher. Sarah Simonovich is the WCS District Gifted Specialist; she is new to her role this year and spent the last several years as the Gifted educator at Ravenwood High. She rounds out the group as the third former English teacher. Sarah started teaching in 2004 and has been with WCS since 2012. She has worked with Gifted students since 2009.
Find the link for this presentation here.