

Contact Us


We want to hear from you. Please contact us with any ideas, suggestions, or questions.


WillCoGS Board of Directors
Alli Finney, President
Sarah Simonovich, Vice-President
Anne McGraw, Treasurer
Julie Boggess
Toni Brown
Sarah DeLisle-Fecht
Debora Finch

Williamson County Schools Contacts
Student Support Services
Sarah Simonovich, Gifted Education Specialist 615-472-4172
Toni Brown, Student Support Services 615-472-4133
Maria Griego, Student Support Services Director 615-472-4144
Superintendent and Cabinet
Jason Golden, Superintendent 615-472-4001
Dave Allen, Assistant Superintendent - Teaching Learning and Assessment 615-472-4060
Juli Oyer, Assistant Superintendent - Elementary Schools 615-472-4094
Leigh Webb, Assistant Superintendent - Secondary Schools 615-472-4096
Board of Education
Contact your WCS Board of Education Members

Williamson County Commissioners
Contact your Commissioners

Tennessee Legislators
Find and Contact Your Legislators

Advocacy Groups
Tennessee Association for the Gifted
National Association for Gifted Children
Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted



